Conceived and created by Alison Cook-Beatty and Shem Guibbory
Story: Alison Cook-Beatty, Shem Guibbory, and Anne Catherine de Mare
Musicians: Shem Guibbory, Violin, and Susan Sobolewski, Piano
Music: Preludes from Dmitri Shostakovich 24 Preludes for Piano for Piano, Op. 34, arranged by Tziganov and Auerbach, Lera Auerbach’s.
24 Preludes for Violin and Piano, Op. 4
Choreography: Alison Cook-Beatty
Dramturg: Anne Catherine dr Mare
Audio Postproduction: Medianoise
Dancers: Carolina Rivera, Timothy Ward, Niccolo Orsolani, Sasha Rydlizky, Richard Sayama
Understudies and Assistants to the choreographer: Fiona Oba and Vera Paganin
Lighting Designer: Tony Marques
Generously commissioned by Charles and Deborah Adelman

“Messages In Time” Premiered on November 3rd, 2019 at The Salvatore Capezio Theater at Peridance Capezio Center in New York City.

Photo credit: Paul B Goode

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