Choreography: Alison Cook-Beatty
Music: original score by Dr. Young Mi Ha
Film: Sha Huang
Visual Artists: Peter Williams, Younghae Lee
Costumes: Created by the dancers of Alison Cook Beatty Dance
Set Design: Daniel G. Cook
Performance Info: Presently a ten minute group piece with eight dancers
BECOMING ANOTHER was inspired by two visual artists and their six month documented work with charcoal drawings and sketched writings of poetry centered around the theme of love. Research was done by composer Dr. Young Mi Ha on the Diary of Adam and Eve by Mark Twain. The breakdown of music and dance composition was discussed between both composer and choreographer on the four variations within the entire musical score and compositional structure of dance. Becoming Another is about a couple, seen in the present time, and then in three stages of their lives together; young/yellow, romantic/red, and old/ silver.